Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wedding Bands

HUZZAH! We have bought our wedding bands today :) NB: the pics above are not the exact weddings bands we bought, but are very similar in style!

Charlie bought a white gold ring by Peter W Beck!

I didn't realise that finding a matching wedding band for my engagement ring was so hard! We went into about 5 or 6 jewellers and found nothing so I am getting mine custom made by Jacobsons Jewellery :)

I am so excited!! To me there are only two things important enough on the wedding day to splurge on: a) photography and b) wedding bands!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Suit Up!

Today was our first day shopping for Charlie's suit. We found it in the third store we entered - Messini!!

It is a dark grey with subtle pinstripes - half price for approx $800. Very excited!! Now all that's left is a white shirt and a plum tie :D

Now both him and I have our dress and suits and shoes sorted. Here is a sneak peak of the shoes we bought and the cutest coffee cup ever ;) Note, his shoes were over double the price of mine :-O